Bush Hog Skid Steer Grapples

Part #: BH-SSGrapple

Bush Hog Skid Steer Grapples

BRGR Series Brush Grapple

Bush Hog’s BRGR-series grapples are built tough and help you make quick work of larger jobs. The BRGR grapples use an open bottom design to move brush and debris, rake, and dig without picking up dirt. The grapple is designed to mount onto a universal skid steer mount. Let Bush Hog’s® grapples help you get a grip on your work.

  • Constructed of 1/2" top quality steel
  • 3/8" solid quick attach plate
  • 9" aggressive teeth
  • Protected cylinders and hoses
  • Extra wide opening for large capacity work
  • Independent grapple arms for uneven loads
  • Max. 100 HP for rubber tire machines
  • Max. 80 HP for rubber track machines
  • Fits all skid steers and tractors using the universal skid steer quick attach system

BGR Series Bucket Grapple

Bush Hog’s BGR-series grapples are built tough and help you make quick work of larger jobs. The BGR series provides the operator with the grasp and hold abilities of a grapple, along with the storage capacity of a conventional bucket. The grapple is designed to mount onto a universal skid steer mount. Let Bush Hog’s® grapples help you get a grip on your work.

  • Constructed of 1/2" top quality steel
  • 3/8" solid quick attach plate
  • Protected cylinders and hoses
  • Wide opening for large capacity work
  • Independent grapple arm
  • Solid bottom for materials
  • Max. 100 HP for rubber tire machines
  • Max. 80 HP for rubber track machines
  • Fits all skid steers and tractors using the universal skid steer quick attach system


  Brush Grapple Bucket Grapple
 Model BRGR72 BRGR84 BGR72 BGR84 BGR72T BGR84T
 Overall Width 6' 7' 6' 7' 6' 7'
 Usable Width 71" 83" 71" 83" 71" 83"
 Overall Depth 37.5" 39.25" 39.25"
 Overall Height 25.5" 24" 24"
 Usable Depth 28" 33.75" 33.75"
 Usable Open Height 46.5" 45.5" 45.5"
 Roll Back Angle 13° 20° 20°
 Number of Teeth 8 10 -- -- 8 9
 Weight 702 lbs 787 lbs 827 lbs 903 lbs 907 lbs 993 lbs
 Attachment Method Universal Skid Steer Quick Attach





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